Mission - Following Jesus For Our Community. To help people go from unbelief to full-hearted devotion to Jesus Christ in our community.
Vision - To see a community transformed by the love of Jesus, where people are fully alive in Christ and living on mission together.
Our Core Values-
We Follow Jesus
Jesus is the only way to eternal life and the best way to live. Our mission is to follow Him and grow more like Him every day.
We Live in Authentic Community
We believe life is better together. Christ-centered community isn’t just something we want— it is something we absolutely need.
We Are Mission-Minded
Jesus said, “Go.” We share Jesus constantly, living with a mission mindset wherever we are.
We Love People Far From God
Jesus has love and compassion for the lost and welcomes them in, and we will do the same.
We Speak Truth Clearly
God’s Word is our foundation, and we communicate it in ways that resonate today to transform lives.
We Trust the Holy Spirit
We seek to be Spirit-led, trusting God to guide, empower, and renew us.
We Pursue Transformation
Jesus makes all things new. We believe in His power to transform lives, families, communities, and the world.
We Live Generously
God is a generous giver, and we are called to reflect His heart giving our time, resources, and gifts freely, trusting that generosity changes lives.
We are a part of The Foundry Network…..
What does that mean?
Networking leaders of large, independent churches in the Wesleyan tradition for greater Kingdom impact.
The Foundry Network Beliefs:
We believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
We strive for ministry that is full of grace and full of truth.
Our priority is for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.
We are committed to reach people that no one else is reaching.
We are committed to relational discipleship.
We are engaged in being the practical hands and feet of Christ in our communities.
We affirm the sovereignty of God to gift all believers according to His will. It is our responsibility to equip those saints for their calling and giftedness in ministry.
We affirm that marriage and sexual intimacy are good gifts from God. In keeping with the teachings of Scripture historically and throughout the Church universal, we believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union. We believe that God intends faithfulness in marriage and celibacy in singleness.
We affirm the faith delivered to the saints as articulated in The EUB confession of Faith, the Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church and the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds.
Member Churches In The Foundry Network
Asbury Church (Madison, AL) - weareasbury.com
Christ Church (Fairview Heights IL) - mychristchurch.com
The Orchard (Tupelo, MS) - theorchard.net
Quest Church (Grove Town, GA) - thequestonline.com
The Story (Houston, TX) - thestory.church
Cove Church (Huntsville, AL) - covechurch.com
Foundry Church (Houston, TX) - foundrychurch.org
Get Well Church (South Haven, MS) - getwellchurch.org
Granger Church (Northern, IN) grangerchurch.com
Mount Bethel (Atlanta, GA) mtbethel.org
The Porch (Valdosta, GA) theporchcc.com
Anderson Hills (Cincinnati, OH) andersonhills.org
The Temple (Port Arthur, TX) templeonline.org